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Join Points North
Fan Club

You already love Points North.
Now, you can also support it.

Points North is free to listen to, but not free to make.

Your gift ensures your ears will get more great stories from the Great Lakes, and keeps this non-profit, independent show going.

Yearly donation
Monthly donation

Snag some cool merch!

We'll send a comfy Points North beanie along with a bumper sticker as special thanks for your support with every donation of at least $60, or monthly donation of $5 or more. All donors will receive the Points North newsletter. 

If you don't want the merch or the newsletter, tell us in a comment during checkout. 

Why join the fan club?

If you love listening to great stories from the Great Lakes with every new episode, please support our public radio podcast by joining the Points North Fan Club today.

Points North is a production of
Interlochen Public Radio. Your fan club membership directly supports long-form journalism that shares important stories about this unique region of the country. When you sign up, you’re helping us create the award-winning podcast you love, and keeping it accessible to listeners everywhere.

Thanks for listening, and for supporting independent journalism and place-based storytelling.

"I live in Florida, so I'm nowhere near the Great Lakes region. Nevertheless, I find myself listening to episode after episode. I find the topics very interesting and the hosts are skilled at weaving a compelling narrative. I highly recommend it!"
– Apple Podcasts listener B. Moe

Frequently asked questions