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Interlochen Public Radio is part of Interlochen Center for the Arts, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Your gift is the power behind this station—your station.

You truly are the "public" in Interlochen Public Radio. Listener contributions cover more than two thirds of the station's annual budget, and your support is critical to helping IPR create and deliver the music, news, arts, and culture programming that you enjoy every day.

Become an IPR Sustainer!
Monthly gifts are a powerful source of stable support: they are crucial for ensuring that the programs you rely on are available year-round!

Plus! When you start a recurring gift of at least $8 a month or $96 a year you get access to the NPR+ Podcast Bundle.

Your recurring gift builds a sustainable future for IPR!

The Green Brick Foundation wants to partner with you to build a sustainable future for Interlochen Public Radio!

When you become an IPR Sustainer during this drive you will unlock an additional $100 from the Green Brick Foundation!!!

There’s always more to explore with Interlochen Public Radio.

Join our friends at the Green Brick Foundation and build a strong foundation for public radio in northern Michigan …brick by GREEN brick.

Monthly donation

Become an IPR Sustainer to Unlock $100

Make your gift monthly to unlock an additional $100 for IPR

Leadership Annual Giving Clubs

Your leadership gift—through the Broadcaster's Circle or Producer's Circle—ensures IPR has the resources to continue innovating in an ever-changing media landscape. Your generosity enriches the lives of thousands of listeners of all ages and backgrounds.

IPR's Giving Clubs recognize those listeners who demonstrate a strong commitment to IPR with annual gifts of $1,000 or more.

Producer's Circle: $5,000 and above annually
Broadcaster's Circle: $1,000 - $4,999 annually or $84+ monthly

IPR environment reporter Ellie Katz, on assignment in Torch Lake for a story about a mysterious algae growing on the lakebed.

Frequently asked questions